/ 14

Primary Color

Sparklight Bright Purple
PMS 7656C/248U
RGB 141/59/144
CMYK 48/90/0/4
HEX #8D3B90

Sparklight Bright Purple will be the primary color used throughout the Sparklight Residential branding.

Sparklight Bright Purple
PMS 7656C/248U
RGB 141/59/144
CMYK 48/90/0/4
HEX #8D3B90

Sparklight Bright Blue
PMS 306C/312U
RGB 0/184/216
CMYK 78/0/13/0
HEX #00B8D8

Sparklight Bright Green
PMS 376C/382U
RGB 132/195/65
CMYK 53/0/100/0
HEX #84C341

Sparklight Gray
PMS Cool Gray 11C/433U
RGB 76/84/88
CMYK 12/0/3/80
HEX #4C5458

Sparklight Red
PMS 2034C/2035U
RGB 239/78/62
CMYK 0/85/80/0

Sparklight Yellow
PMS 1225C/115U
RGB 255/206/81
CMYK 0/19/79/0

Sparklight Purple
PMS 2105C/2098U
RGB 53/48/145
CMYK 97/100/0/0
HEX #353091

Sparklight Blue
PMS 2728C/293U
RGB 0/96/174
CMYK 100/65/0/0
HEX #0060AE

Sparklight Green
PMS 2272C/2272U
RGB 43/169/72
CMYK 78/3/100/2
HEX #2BA948

Our proprietary color palette is crafted to reflect the dynamic, diverse, and vibrant experiences we bring to our customers.

Each color in the palette is accompanied by its Pantone®, RGB, CMYK, and Hexadecimal values to facilitate accurate reproduction across different types of media.

ASE color palette files are provided and should be used whenever communications are created within the Adobe software suite.

Note: This color palette contains colors from the newer Pantone+ color system. The appropriate 'acb' and 'aco' swatch files should be installed to the Adobe swatch libraries. To ensure the consistency and memorability of the brand, always use the color formulas listed here for all artwork files.

Business Color Palette

Sparklight Blue
PMS 2728C/293U
RGB 0/96/174
CMYK 100/65/0/0
HEX #0060AE

Sparklight Blue will be the primary color used throughout the Sparklight Business branding.

Sparklight Blue
PMS 2728C/293U
RGB 0/96/174
CMYK 100/65/0/0
HEX #0060AE

Sparklight Gray
PMS Cool Gray 11C/433U
RGB 76/84/88
CMYK 12/0/3/80
HEX #4C5458

Sparklight Green
PMS 2272C/2272U
RGB 43/169/72
CMYK 78/3/100/2
HEX #2BA948

Sparklight Purple
PMS 2105C/2098U
RGB 53/48/145
CMYK 97/100/0/0
HEX #353091

Advertising Color Palette

Sparklight Bright Green
PMS 376C/382U
RGB 132/195/65
CMYK 53/0/100/0
HEX #84C341

Sparklight Bright Green will be the primary color used throughout the Sparklight Advertising branding.

Sparklight Bright Green
PMS 376C/382U
RGB 132/195/65
CMYK 53/0/100/0
HEX #84C341

Sparklight Gray
PMS Cool Gray 11C/433U
RGB 76/84/88
CMYK 12/0/3/80
HEX #4C5458

Sparklight Bright Purple
PMS 7656C/248U
RGB 141/59/144
CMYK 48/90/0/4
HEX #8D3B90

Sparklight Bright Blue
PMS 306C/312U
RGB 0/184/216
CMYK 78/0/13/0
HEX #00B8D8

Special Case Logo Color Versions

St. Patrick's Day
International Women's Day
Earth Day

Special case multicolor batons are only used in internal touchpoints (i.e. name card and technician shirt). Make sure to use single color logos on external touchpoints.

In special cases, the symbol can be a flexible element. It can be used as a “vessel” to show we are keeping up with the times and are aware of what’s happening in the current moment.

Embroidery Example